Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Night Watch

Homosexual rape.
Four burnt out cars.
A suspect twatted 'round the head with a Samurai sword (though since they're a suspect, they'll almost certainly survive injuries that would normally kill...)
A man that jumped to his death.
A victim alive thanks only to a jammed firearm.
And a bread thief!

Yep, I love a weekend of working nights...


CSI:UK said...

Oooh Busy weekend, how are nightshifts, we don't do them but there is talk of it in the future instead of being on call. How many do you have covering and how big is the area you cover??

Negative Result said...

I have a love/hate relationship with nights! I hate having to sleep during the day and missing out on social stuff in the evenings.
But at the same time, it's nights when we do the interesting stuff, when we make the decisions on our own, when we can have hour-long coffee-breaks!
We have one or two of us on per "district", but cover eight districts as a team of about 12 or so. As a more experienced member of my team, I can rack up a fair few miles on nights!
One of my ex-workmates recently moved to a county that does on call. He hates it and prefers knowing his night's screwed from the get go!

Zephyr Brush said...

I see things haven't changed